Patient Participation Group
Who We Are
The Witterings Medical Centre Patients Participation Group was formed in 2011 with aim of providing an effective and active link between the Medical Centre and its patient population, to benefit both patients and staff. It is represented by a Committee of volunteers, including local Parish Councillors, all who are patients of the Medical Centre. We work with the Medical Staff to help provide the best possible health care service.

What We Do
We hold meetings with one of the GP Partners and Practice Manager every other month to discuss any matters raised by patients or result from changes at the Medical Centre or within the NHS.
We attend meetings with other PPGs in Sussex which are organised by the NHS Sussex Integrated Care Board who are responsible for commissioning health care services and monitor information from them so we can keep up to date with events within the NHS which we can pass on to you.
We send out Newsletters and Newsflashes by email to keep you in touch with any developments which may affect you at the Medical Centre or within the NHS and include a range of articles which signpost or inform you of services available to meet your health care needs. Current copies of these are available at the WMCPPG display area in the Waiting Room and past editions are shown below.
We get involved with any patient surveys and discuss the findings with the Medical Staff.
We collaborate with the Patient Information Centre, based at the Medical Centre, and pass on any information on events that they organise. They also have a wealth of information with a wide range of literature on self-help health care and support services which are available locally.
What You Can Do
If you have any feedback about your experience of the Medical Centre or any suggestions, you can email us your comments or questions at which we will raise at our meetings with the Medical Staff. All matters discussed are dealt with in confidence.
However, we cannot deal with any issues concerning your personal medical treatment or appointments, which should be directed to the Practice Manager at
You can opt out from the emails you receive at any time