Telephone Operating Times
Monday |
08:30-13:00 & 14:00-18:00 |
Tuesday |
08:30-13:00 & 14:00-18:00 |
Wednesday |
08:30-13:00 & 14:00-18:00 |
Thursday |
08:30-13:00 & 14:00-18:00 |
Friday |
08:30-13:00 & 14:00-18:00 |
For URGENT on the day appointments call at 8.30am, Monday to Friday
For all other appointments and general enquiries call at 11am
For blood test results call after 2.30pm
Non Urgent GP appointments are available to be booked up to 2 weeks in advance, ONLINE and via phone.
Urgent on the day appointments available from 08.30am via phone.
The receptionist will ask you a few triage questions to help place you with the best clinician for your medical concern. All information given to any member of staff at Witterings Medical Centre is confidential.
Book Appointments Online and Order Repeat Precriptions using NHS App or AirMid App
Please cancel any appointments no longer needed.
For medical emergencies such as chest pain, stroke symptoms, loss of consciousness, dial 999.
Update Your Personal Details
Have you recently changed your address, phone number or name? If so, please let us know by completing this form

Everyone accessing or visiting healthcare settings across Sussex must continue to wear a face covering and follow social distancing rules.
Ahead of the lifting of most COVID-19 restrictions across the country on Monday 19 July, NHS England has confirmed that Public Health England’s infection prevention control guidelines and hospital visiting guidance will remain in place for all staff and visitors.
That means NHS visitor guidance will stay in place across all health services including hospitals, GP practices, dental practices, optometrists and pharmacies to ensure patients and staff are protected.
Treatment Room Appointments
Treatment Room appointments with a Practice Nurse can be booked up to 3-4 weeks in advance. These clinics can become full quite quickly, especially around bank holiday periods, so it is advisable to book your appointments as soon in advance as possible.
What do our treatment room nurses do?
- Dressings
- Minor injuries
- Cervical Smears/swabs
- Removal of stitches/clips
- Catheter change/removal
- Injections
- HRT and pill checks
Please note: While the treatment room nurse can issue prescriptions for HRT and the contraceptive pill, she is unable to issue any other types of medication.
Phlebotomy / Health Care Assistant Appointments
We currently have 2 Nurse Assistants (Sarah & Chrissie) and 1 Phlebotomist (Anne). Appointments can be booked up to approximately 1 month in advance.
Their duties include:
- Phlebotomy (Blood Taking)
- ECGs (Heart Tracings)
- Blood Pressure checks
- 24 hr Blood Pressure
- Some Vaccinations
- Smoking Cessation
The last blood test appointment available is 14:10 (Monday –
Please note, these tests must have been ordered by the Doctors or Nurses prior to booking, unless you have received a form from another health professional.
Home Visits
Patients are requested, where possible, to telephone before 11am if a home visit is required that day.
We would request that, apart from the genuinely housebound, all other patients attend the surgery rather than request a home visit because of the extra time home visiting takes.
On average 4-5 patients can be seen in surgery in the time it takes to do a single house call.
In addition, the care that can be offered due to the lack of adequate lighting, examination facilities and equipment means that you may not receive as safe a service as the doctor may be able to offer if you came to the surgery.
Please note that the doctor may telephone you rather than visit you if this is medically appropriate. Ultimately it is the doctor's decision whether or not a visit is appropriate.
Practice Training Dates
In order to improve the service we provide for you - our patients - we will be closed on the following afternoons for training. There is still an urgent service available should you need to access healthcare during the afternoon and if you do need NHS help during this time please call 01243 976960
For all life threatening emergencies please call 999.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused but hope that you can understand this activity, which will ensure we are able to provide you with the most up-to-date and best possible health services.
GP Access Hubs
Clinics to help local people access the assistance they need outside of normal GP practice opening times (up to 20:00 on weekdays and during the day on weekends).
The service offers GP, Advanced Nurse Practitioner and Paramedic Practitioner appointments to patients who meet the following criteria:
- A new problem of less than four weeks duration
- The patient hasn’t seen a healthcare professional for this problem before
- The problem isn’t related to pregnancy or mental health
Across Coastal West Sussex, the service also offers a range of nurse appointments:
- Dressings
- Cervical Screening
- Chronic Condition reviews (such as asthma, diabetes, COPD)
The clinician you see at a GP Access Hub will have full access to your medical record (with your consent).
How to book a GP Access appointment
These appointments will be booked by your GP surgery for you so you should telephone your surgery in the normal way and if there are available GPAH appointments in your area suitable to you, you will be offered one. At the weekend you may also be offered an appointment at one of the hubs if you call NHS111 for urgent health advice and support.
The hubs may be at your GP practice or they may be at a neighbouring GP practice nearby.
How to change an appointment
If you need to cancel or change your GP Access Hub appointment please leave a message on this answerphone: 01903 924192.
Otherwise, please contact your GP surgery where you made the appointment and they will be able to help you cancel or change it. You will not be able to cancel or change the appointment by calling the location that the hub is operating from.