Hospital Contact Details
Hospital Referrals
PLEASE NOTE: Once a GP has referred a patient, the Medical Centre is not informed of their hospital appointment date/time.
Therefore, please do not contact the Medical Centre to discuss your hospital appointment.
If you have a query regarding a hospital referral appointment, please contact the relevant numbers below.
Referral Support Team – 01293 220123
QA Hospital, Portsmouth Outpatient Booking Team – 02392 681700
Western Sussex Hospitals Outpatient Booking Team (SRH, Worthing Hospitals, Southlands) – 01273 446067
Cancer Referrals (2 week rule) – 01903 205111 ext. 85613
Community Mental Health Liaison Service (CAMHS) - 0300 304 0304
ENT St Richard's Hospital - 01243 831548
ENT QA Hospital - 02392 286000 ext.4045
Radiology - 01243 788122 ext 31781
Referral Equiries Email address:
You can now track your referall via the NHS APP.
Cancer Waiting Times
The two-week wait standard has been removed and instead, patients can be told to expect a cancer diagnosis or rule-out of cancer within 28 days of being referred from their GP or cancer screening programme.
This is an improvement on the previous standard, in which patients were told they will see a specialist within 14 days, with no measurement of when test results or diagnoses would be communicated.
It is important to attend the first appointment they are given (which may be for an investigation or via telephone).