Opening Times
For URGENT on the day appointments call at 8.30am, Monday to Friday
For all other appointments call at 11am
For test results call after 2pm
Prescription Clerks are availiable from 10am to 5pm
Non Urgent GP appointments are available to be booked up to 2 weeks in advance, ONLINE and via phone.
Urgent on the day appointments available from 08.30am via phone.
Urgent and routine GP appointments cannot be booked at the reception desk.
The receptionist will ask you a few triage questions to help place you with the best clinician for your medical concern. All information given to any member of staff at Witterings Medical Centre is confidential.
Our appointments are set up for a single issue, in a 15 minute appointment slot. You will need to book another appointment to discuss further issues.
You may see a member of the extended healthcare team instead of your GP.
Book available online appointments and order repeat prescriptions using NHS App or AirMid App
Please cancel any appointments no longer needed.
294 patients have not attended their prebooked appointments so far in 2025
For medical emergencies such as chest pain, stroke symptoms, loss of consciousness, dial 999.
Communication Needs
- Our reception team are more than happy to assist you in any way we can. Please write your requests down and hand them to the receptionist.
- If you have communication needs and you wish to make suggestions on how we can improve our service for you, please email reception.witterings@nhs.net or send a letter to us with your feedback.
Wheelchair Access
- All of our consulting rooms can be accessed via wheelchair
- We have 3 disabled toilets
- There is a lift for patients attending appointments on the 1st floor
For patients who are having difficulty with transport to the surgery, we work closely with 'Manhood Mobility' volunteer service.
‘Manhood Mobility’ is a group of local volunteers who give their time to those in the community whose have travel needs cannot be met by public transport. They offer a door to door service for essential journeys to hospital, The Medical Centre, Dentists, Opticians and other medical needs.
Telephone: 01243 671881
Email: manhoodmvs@gmail.com
If you would be interested in volunteering, please phone or email and have a chat - we need your help!
Contact: 01243 671881 or email manhoodmvs@gmail.com
Our office hours are 9.30 am to midday Monday to Friday.
NHS Friends and Family
Witterings Medical Centre is here to provide excellent medical care and a positive friendly environment for our patients and staff.